
Welcome to the disclaimer page of https://ehsaasprogrambisp.info/. By using this website, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in this disclaimer. Please read the following information carefully.

The information and materials on this website are provided “as is” without any promise of quality. This means we don’t guarantee that the information here is perfect. We don’t promise that it will work well or that it won’t cause problems. If you use this website, we’re not responsible for any bad things that might happen.

We try to keep the website working smoothly, but sometimes it might not work because of technical problems we can’t control.

Information Accuracy

We try to give you good information, but we can’t promise it’s always right. Sometimes things change, and we might not have the latest information. So, it’s a good idea to check with official sources or the government to be sure.

Program Changes

The Ehsaas Program can change or end anytime without warning. We try to keep our information up to date, but we can’t guarantee it always will be.

Third-Party Content

We might link to other websites or mention products and services from other companies. We don’t control those websites, and we’re not responsible for what they say or do. If you use them, it’s your choice and your risk.

Personal Responsibility

The information on this website isn’t a substitute for professional advice. Before making important decisions based on what you read here, it’s your responsibility to get advice from experts.

Limitation of Liability

We’re not responsible if something goes wrong when you use this website. We won’t pay for any damage to your computer or other stuff, and we won’t be responsible for any bad things that happen because of using this website.

Changes to the Disclaimer

We might change this disclaimer without warning. Any changes will be effective right away. It’s your job to check this page sometimes to see if we made any changes.

Acceptance of Terms

If you use this website, you agree to all these terms. If you have questions or concerns about this disclaimer, please contact us through the information on our contact page.